15 Amazing Used Tire Sculptures

15 Amazing Used Tire Sculptures

See what happens when old used car and motorcycle tires are turned into beautiful works of art, the results are truly remarkable…

According to Korean artist Ji Yong Ho, recycled tires help capture the spirit of the animals because “rubber is very flexible, like skin, like muscles.”

Rhinoceros Tire Sculpture

Tire Sculpture

Spider Tire Sculpture

Tire Horse

Panther Tire Sculpture

Animal Head Tire Sculpture

Elephant Tire Sculpture

Jaguar Tire Sculpture

Armour Tire Sculpture

Shark Tire Sculpture

Used Tire Sculpture

Used Tire Art

Horse Tire Sculpture

Buddha Tire Sculpture

Also check out: Recycled Car Tire Street Art

  1. Montanadreamaker

    I love it. True art. I especially like the dragon.

  2. ajayjshah

    These are great! Amazing.

  3. julianyeo


  4. Anon

    Heck, I don’t know about the sculptures, but I’ll gladly take the girl in front of the elephant anytime.

  5. Chetan Haria


  6. sujith

    amazing ..good ones!!

  7. chazzzz

    brillent sculptures

  8. AdrianLee

    Amazing and Awesome… they all look great!

  9. ylmz

    I liked the two elephants.

  10. ylmz

    oh wait a second..

  11. hifigoodgirl


  12. Chad

    Sure beats painting the tires white and planting flowers in them!

  13. Li

    Wow, amazing how its so real and the details are awesome!

  14. Amit

    Fantastically amazing!!!

  15. Loni

    Fu**ing amazing, that’s all i have to say!

  16. Karin L.

    At the rate we use tires, EVERY community could have their own beautiful sculpture!

  17. perefct101coco

    i think it is awsome and at the same time weird meaning different. i think it is true art but i think should not lie it is metal and you know why becouse it is imposible for it to be super shiny \. but there are only two that are actual made of rubber; hauntenature and gana art gallery[the bottem of the pictures that are rubber.

  18. theguy

    i want one!

  19. Jerry Bidwell

    Great detail! Very well done! Very talented artist!

  20. Nagobonar

    I give it A if it’s school project

  21. Arkwright

    Oh wow. Just… wow.

    I am going to save the hell out of these images and see if I can get more.

  22. JK III

    What a great from of art!

  23. pat

    @ ylmz…lmao. great comment.

  24. Joas

    Wow!!! Im lost for words. Totally cool eish man!!!!!!!!

  25. latincrow

    Crazy awesome!

  26. RL Creative

    Great pieces of art. We also have a gigant chair made from tires at our museum of Art in Estonia.

  27. PHADE

    This Is Not Art, It’s Beyond Art! I Wonder How Many Men Hours It Took To Make These!

  28. jinell


    what you said may be true but the artist could have used a finishing paint or something to add the shine/luster.

  29. Reilly

    Amazing work here.

  30. setzer

    Wow. amazing, great, beatiful,

  31. aditia

    that’s very creative, if i made myself i can’t imagine that all

  32. Sandy

    These creation are amazing. brilliant brains can cook up anything. Great work!

  33. Dancsnrain


    Most impressive.

  34. Kits

    why didn’t anyone bother to find the names of the artists?


  35. JC

    I’m speechless….

  36. angy

    Woha!!! all of these look badass :D

  37. OMGWTF

    Look…2 elephants in one photo! Whoa….

  38. Simran

    These are fantastic even I have no words to describe them.
    Really great work!

  39. Lintu

    wow amazing

  40. Thomas L.

    I’ve seen this at korea!! GREAT!!

  41. Crystal :)

    I can not believe that there are such immature people out there who need to post such hateful things about ppl they don’t even know to OMGWTF, Pat and ylmz…..GROW UP!
    AMAZING artwork, I love the “green” part of it all! Brilliant! :)

  42. Gordon

    These are absolutely awesome very talented and amazing artists- keep it up-

  43. David

    Amazing stuff!!!
    I ahve tyres that have been lying aroud the yard for some time and was thinking to make art work out of it.

    How do they cut the tyres and how do they attached it and shape it? do they use an industrial staple or something?

    Kiwi NZ

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