Slot Chair by Bored Eye

Slot Chair by Bored Eye

Modular chair made of plywood reimagines traditional furniture construction, stripping it down to the most essential elements.

Slot Chair designed by Bored Eye consists of two primary plywood pieces:

One bent into a wave-like shape that forms the seat and backrest.

Another that slots in from the back to act as the leg support of the chair.

Wooden pieces interlock using precisely cut grooves and simple joinery, eliminating the need for screws or nails.

The result is a sculptural and functional chair that appears to balance on minimal contact points.

Slot Chair by Bored Eye Design

Instead of relying on screws or nails, the Slot Chair uses interlocking plywood pieces to make assembly intuitive and almost sculptural.

Bored Eye Slot Chair

Design innovation lies in the way it leverages material flexibility, by bending plywood into forms and cutting slots to create structural integrity.

Bored Eye Design Slot Chair

Simple chair transformed into example of balance, tension, and modularity.

The Slot Chair

Modular plywood furniture reduced to purest, most thought-provoking form.

Liam de la Bedoyere Slot Chair

One bent plywood piece creates the seat, while a second interlocking piece reinforces the structure, sliding into place at the back.

Slot Chair by Liam de la Bedoyere

The Slot Chair uses clever interlocking mechanics to create furniture puzzle.

Modular Plywood Chair

No screws, no nails, chair made using precision cuts and plywood bending.

Plywood Chair

The Slot Chair by Bored Eye is a cool experiment in modular plywood design.

Slot Chair

Also check out: Modular Lounge Chair

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