Elevator Table by Deniz Aktay

Elevator Table by Deniz Aktay

Futuristic coffee table features multiple levels of storage space designed to allow you to keep piling things up without cleaning your living room.

Elevator Table by Deniz Aktay made from circular metal sheets sliced and stacked in an offset and staggered design.

The way the layers interact creates negative space, forming dynamic and ever-changing silhouette depending on your perspective.

Minimalist design comes from a single geometric origin: the circle, resulting in sculptural proportions and a clean look.

Elevator Table Deniz Aktay

Staggered storage levels offer versatile range of placement options for books, bottles, and everyday items.

Elevator Side Table

Modern coffee table that does not just hold your stuff; it elevates it, literally…

Elevator Table

Instead of a traditional flat surface, this coffee table with staggered design introduces multiple levels of shelves.

Elevator Coffee Table

The Elevator Table by Deniz Aktay will turn your living room into a beautiful parking garage for books and drinks.

Deniz Aktay Elevator Table

Also check out: Valley Coffee Table

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