Modular Refrigerator by Heewoong Chai

Modular Refrigerator by Heewoong Chai

Innovative refrigerator that does not just store your food but adapts to your lifestyle, expanding or contracting as needed.

Modular Refrigerator designed by Heewoong Chai takes personalization in the kitchen to a whole new level.

As your life evolves, whether it’s moving to a bigger home or adding family members, this fridge evolves too.

Need more space? Add extra refrigeration modules. Fancy yourself a wine connoisseur? Attach a wine rack. Want healthier water? Add a purifier unit.

Heewoong Chai

Why buy a whole new refrigerator when you can just add what you need?

Heewoong Chai Modular Refrigerator

Modular Refrigerator lets you scale up or down depending on your life stage.

Modular Refrigerator Concept

The future of refrigeration is customizable. The Modular Refrigerator lets you add or subtract modules like a pro chef.

Modular Fridge

Wine rack? Water purifier? Oven? The Modular Refrigerator is your kitchen’s Swiss Army knife, just add what you need.

Refrigerator Concept

Life changes and your fridge should too. With Modular Refrigerator, upgrade your appliance, not your entire kitchen!

Modular Fridge Concept

Modular Refrigerator grows with you. Start small in your first apartment, then expand the fridge as your family grows.

Modular Refrigerator

Also check out: Stackable Refrigerator Concept

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