Aquarium Home Farming System

Aquarium Home Farming System

Futuristic indoor garden ecosystem is a beautiful planter interconnected with a small aquarium underneath.

EVA Modern Aquaponics Furniture designed by Francois Hurtau is a self efficient home farming system.

At its core, a round, glass aquarium forms the base, filled with shimmering water where fish swims gracefully.

Above the aquarium, a circular garden bed is integrated into the system, overflowing with lush green plants.

Planter has a frosted finish that allows light to diffuse gently and create a halo effect that bathes the entire system in an ambient glow.

Light source in the middle, inspired by natural sunlight, gradually brightens and dims, just like dawn and dusk.

Aquarium Planter

Design of the overall structure is smooth, with clean lines and harmonious balance between the aquatic and terrestrial elements.

Aquarium Farming System

EVA ecosystem takes fish waste, typically a hassle in any aquarium, and turns it into a goldmine for your indoor garden.

The ammonia from the fish is pumped up to nourish the roots of plants, which, in turn, clean the water before it returns to the fish.

EVA Modern Aquaponics Furniture

Innovative plug-and-play system uses gravity and light to make sure you have fresh herbs at your fingertips and a green centerpiece in your home.

Aquarium Home Garden

Inspired by ancient Aztec farming techniques, EVA Aquarium Home Farming System is as efficient as it is beautiful.

Aquarium Garden

Also check out: Balcony Farm Window Garden

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