Modular bench inspired by worms can be adapted to fit different functions and room layouts.
Worm Bench designed by Clap Studio for Missana allows many various combinations that twist and turn just like the millipedes that inspired it.
Innovative bench features curved module for turning corners, straight parts for the middle, and two end modules.
The Worm Bench is a shape-shifting furniture that evolves with your space.
You can rearrange the modules to create new layouts, meaning your furniture evolves with your needs.
Modular flexibility turns the bench into a dynamic, functional piece that adapts to your lifestyle, not the other way around.
It can be uses it as a traditional bench or even form unique shapes that can double as room dividers.
Use the Worm Bench to play with different shapes, colors, and make the living room truly yours.
Inspired by nature’s most flexible creatures, the Worm Bench brings a burst of color and creativity into your home.
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