Vacuum Cleaner Robot Dog

Vacuum Cleaner Robot Dog

Innovative robot dog equipped with vacuum nozzles on each foot designed to keep our beaches, parks, and alleys clean.

VERO Vacuum Cleaner Robot Dog can efficiently collect litter, especially cigarette butts, from terrains that are challenging for wheeled robots.

Using advanced litter detection and autonomous operation, VERO steps close to debris and activates the vacuums.

Vacuum Robot Dog

Vacuum Cleaner Robot Dog is revolutionizing how we tackle litter, ensuring a cleaner environment with every step.

Robot Dog Vacuum Cleaner

VERO Robot Dog with Vacuum Feet developed by the Dynamic Legged Systems lab at the Italian Institute of Technology (IIT).

Each foot of VERO Robot Dog is equipped with a powerful vacuum nozzle connected via hoses to an onboard vacuum cleaner.

Robot Dog Vacuum

Advanced AI system helps the robot dog to identify and locate cigarette butts or other small debris in its path.

VERO Robot Dog

Whether it is cleaning sandy beaches, narrow alleys, or urban parks, VERO’s design makes it suitable for various terrains.

VERO Robot Dog with Foot Vacuums

Vacuum Robot Dog with autonomous operation reduces the need for manual labor, allowing for more extensive and effective litter removal.

VERO Vacuum Cleaner Robot Dog

VERO Vacuum Cleaner Robot Dog is a significant leap forward in the field of environmental robotics.

Vacuum Powered Robot Dog

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