Air Shield for Runners

Air Shield for Runners

Transparent box on wheels designed to move in front of the runner creates a barrier to eliminate air resistance and help people to run at higher speeds.

The Air Shield developed by ETH Zurich features a U-shaped Plexiglas windscreen mounted on wheels and propelled ahead by a go-kart.

Equipped with advanced sensors to regulate speed, the system allows the driver to focus solely on steering.

It enables athletes to reach peak speeds and perfect their movements by optimizing performance and making training more effective.

ETH Zurich Air Shield

By eliminating air resistance, Air Shield allows athletes to train at competition level speeds, which are otherwise difficult to achieve during practice.

The Air Shield simulates the heightened conditions of a competition, enabling athletes to train under similar stress levels without the need for actual events.

Running Without Air Resistance ETH Zurich

Air Shield windscreen is mounted on wheels, allowing it to move smoothly and steadily along the track.

ETH Zurich Running Without Air Resistance

Go-Kart is responsible for maintaining the speed and direction of the Air Shield windscreen, ensuring that it stays consistently ahead of the athlete.

ETH Zurich AirShield

Track and field athlete Mujinga Kambundji shares her experience:

“Training with devices such as the Air Shield helps me to squeeze out every last percent from my training. And it’s fun.”

AirShield for Runners

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