Clear Mask

Clear Mask

Fully transparent anti-fogĀ face mask designed for natural communication allows people to clearly see your face, read lips and facial expressions.

ClearMask – transparent see-through face masks provide full-face visibility and protection. Designed for maximum clarity.

Wear the mask without hiding your face. See the person, not the mask.

Transparent Face Mask

See-through Face Mask

Clear Face Mask


Transparent Mask

Also check out: Self-Adhesive Face Mask

  1. Barrie Hall

    This filters nothing.

  2. x

    The whole point of the current face masks is to prevent the hork from the wearer falling onto others. A shield which does not filter and lets foreign matter escape around the sides does nothing to prevent contaminating others.

  3. Bastwren

    I agree with x. Let’s stick with the recommended masks that filter the air we exchange. Though it is cumbersome to not be able to see someone’s mouth when they speak, it is counterproductive to design a product that defeats the purpose of wearing a mask.

    It has already been proven that shields are not effective in slowing the spread.

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