Chip Fingers

Chip Fingers

Finger covers will protect your hands from cheesy, greasy, and sticky food.

Washable, reusable, and heat resistant “Chip Fingers” made of food-grade silicone. Designed for pizza, chips, popcorn, and Party food. [more info]

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Finger Guard

Finger Cover

Finger Covers

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  1. Peter

    1st World Nonsense. who needs this? just creating more plastic waste, that needs to washed with water. what is better than licking your greasy fingers afterwards? I also imagine then to be too unpractical to really use.
    If you disagree, please present a valid argument, I’m honestly interested.

  2. Daffy

    Then you need to wash more…

  3. eemke koppelman

    yeah because your fingers are not washable…

  4. Swiper Fox

    I use 2 barbecue sticks (as chopsticks) to eat chips.

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