Revolve Folding Wheel

Revolve Folding Wheel

Innovative modular wheel designed by Andrea Mocellin for foldable bicycles, wheelchairs, and future vehicles.

Revolvefolding wheel with strong hexagon structure and airless tire.

The most compact full-size wheel ever made: Revolve Folding Wheel.

Revolve Foldable Wheel

Revolve Wheel

Folding Wheel

Foldable Wheel

Andrea Mocellin Wheel

Andrea Mocellin

Andrea Mocellin Folding Wheel

Andrea Mocellin Revolve

Also check out: Foldable Electric Scooter

  1. heng

    here is my idea you don’t need to remove the wheel

  2. Dave

    cool…but what question does a folding wheel answer?

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