Dancing Dress

Dancing Dress

Futuristic dress with innovative technology moves and dances to the music.

Dancing Dress” by talented Icelandic designer Ninna Thorarinsdottir.

Ninna Thorarinsdottir


Ninna Thorarinsdottir Dancing Dress

Icelandic Designer Ninna Thorarinsdottir

Ninna Dancing Dress

Also check out: Boat Dress and Chair Dress

  1. aokiharu

    no. its not cool.

  2. Swiper Fox

    If you got tired, how do you sit in that?

    Going to a party? How do you sit in the car?

  3. eemke

    I ‘d rather dance myself

  4. Adam Vesztergom

    I’ve never seen as stupid thing like this… no words for comment. (Never fell off, if you do not want to impale.)

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