Hanging Standing Desk

Hanging Standing Desk

Modular standing desk can be easily attached to a wall in your home or office.

Space-saving, wall-mountable, height-adjustable standing desk for small apartments and modern offices.

Hanging desk made out of high quality wood. Designed by StandCrafted.


Wall Mounted Standing Desk

Modular Standing Desk

StandCrafted Desk

Also check out: Office Desk Bed and Pedal Powered Workstation

  1. Patrick

    I think it has a specific market but it can definitely be a winner. I would like to see an option for dual monitors however.

  2. Mike Yasieniuk

    Gotta get me one of these for my office.

  3. Per Luigi

    Some time ago I was looking for something like this.
    I will now.

  4. zaher


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