The Man Ring

The Man Ring

Titanium multi-tool ring with hidden bottle opener, miniature saw, hair comb for your mustache, and two sharp knives.

Useful ring designed / created by talented jewelry maker Bruce Boone.

Multitool Ring

Bruce Boone

Titanium Utility Ring

Bruce Boone Ring

Multi-Tool Ring

Man Ring

Also check out: Star Wars Rings and Rings with Wings

  1. Erwin Prasetyo

    small tools that fit on your finger :))

  2. Sino Kam

    Do put it into production and market it !
    if you don’t know how, send me your prototype and we’ll do it for you in China…

  3. Tahere

    Can men fly with such a tool-ring?

  4. The Joker

    China will take it anyway, who’s going to stop them.
    All they need is this picture, DONE.

  5. Sian

    Awesome! :)

  6. Gill

    How much does The Man Ring weight?

  7. Hossein

    Its very good and useful for any man and woman

  8. Gert

    Why specifically man? Women don’t need tools too?

  9. Arielle

    Because a man’s ego is just so sensitive, you need a ring specifically for them lol

  10. nilima

    Excellent. provided this ring doesn’t fall in the wrong hands….oops!! Fingers

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