Camper Boat

Camper Boat

Sealander is an innovative camping trailer that also functions as a boat.

Designed for use on land and water, this amphibious camper is equipped with waterproof chassis and an outboard electric motor. Fully furnished model with small cooking area will go on sale in 2012 for 15,000 Euro.

Amphibious Camper

Camping Trailer

Amphibious Trailer

Boat Trailer



Camping Boat

Amphibious Camping Trailer

Also check out: Camper Bike and VW Camper Van Tent

  1. Sharyn

    That’s really cute! I love that it’s being towed behind a small car and I wonder just how much you could load it up and still be able to easily tow it with a small car.
    It would definitely be great for a short camping trip.

  2. shante j


  3. Katie

    I want one.

  4. Paul B

    Me too!

  5. Dan

    What! Just get a boat

  6. Amy

    Hammond finally fixed the issues with his Damper Van then…

  7. douglas

    I wouldn’t feel paricularly confident going out in that thing. It actually fails greatly on both counts. Two bench seats in an enclosed…thing? Nope. Sorry.

  8. drake

    How much people???? its look like not have nothing inside the camper

  9. Hamzilla

    Now all they need to do is add a submarine function… camping at the bottom of the lake. Sweet!

  10. Gert

    That is an ugly boat.

  11. Katie

    That is a beautiful idea.

  12. Tano

    Sorry. Not original. Check
    Create in 1970 in Argentine. Boyita.

  13. andrew

    its ok, but you have to consider!
    one guy in this video with a small electric motor, not much power so in a gentle stream forget it!
    where do people sleep in the thing? the fridge, the stove, the A/C, what about the toilet?

    it lack a few important attributes that one needs in a caravan.

    Looks good on the surface….

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