Mobile Home for One Person

Mobile Home for One Person

Small one person camper designed by Cornelius Comanns from Germany.

Bufalino vehicle is based on the Piaggio APE 50 tricycle. It comes with folding bed, small kitchen, desk, and plenty of storage compartments.

Bufalino Mobile Home

Bufalino Camper

Cornelius Comanns Bufalino

Piaggio Ape

Camper Interior

One Person Camper



Cornelius Comanns

Also check out: Camper Boat and Modern Pop Up Camper

  1. Immelmann

    That’s pretty awesome. I wonder how safe it is?

  2. Fillibert

    If it doesn’t have a shower it’s not a home. Camper yes home no.
    Otherwise great because most RVs are gas guzzlers while this is not.

  3. Morrison

    Mr. Bean would make that thing fall over.

  4. Ninja Egg :D

    what if i gotta pee??? not bathroom. not a home. and it looks cramped…

  5. Liz


  6. Joy

    no toilets?? no washing machine??

  7. Chinmay

    Just looking at the first image makes me want to go to sleep.

    Looks great!

  8. Aidan

    Forever alone.

  9. Kat

    it looks like Tuk-tuk in Thailand

  10. Master Oche

    How good are the breaks? When gettig busy with my lady, might roll over…

  11. Matt

    Beat me to it D:

  12. CriticalEye

    Looks like a fun camper. The graphics look great, but I’m not sure about the vents in the rear… Will the allow exhaust fumes into the cabin, causing a hazard?

  13. Em

    designed by Burberry?

  14. Amy

    The chav burbberry print really puts me off. And the fact it’s still a caravan

  15. M

    Ditch the kitchen, add a bathroom. Use McDonalds.

  16. Al

    His dog looks embarrassed.

  17. lanvy

    @Fillibert, tell that to the millions who call a cardbox home

  18. nrike

    you can pee out side… its better than sleeping on the floor… and you can live without fast food for a while ;p

    Also, this is really friggin cool and i’m so getting one before the zombie apocalypse hits

  19. Xurmat Xara

    this home is perfect for me :P

  20. Senjugudin

    A great way to spent time with nature environmentally friendly…

  21. SK

    No Money..No Problem :) Keep on rollin Backpackers!

  22. Juliee

    For a bathroom it could have one like that but half the size to pull around on the end. Big enough for a small toilet, the ENTIRE thing could be a shower then all the dirty water could be filterd into a small box thing, then the remaining water could be used to power some of the electirical appliances in the resdt of the house. A bit confusing at first but If you think about it, it becomes clearer.

  23. Katie

    Brilliant. Just get a 24 hour gym membership to use their showers and it’s perfect :). I would seriously invest in one.

  24. Leea

    Can I take on of these to Bonaroo?

  25. Marimba

    It beats having to pay excessive property taxes just to build the wealth of a few.

  26. Ivander

    Dude, it’s awesome!!!!!! how much is it!!!!?????

  27. Evan Watson

    Is this for sale by any chance?

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