Six Wheeled Sports Car

Six Wheeled Sports Car

Covini C6W is equipped with four steering front wheels that improve braking, handling, and directional stability.

Unique sports car features a powerful 8-cylinder engine, weights less than 1200 kg (2645 lbs), and has a top speed of 300 km/h (185 mph).

Covini C6W

Sports Car

6 Wheeled Sports Car

6 Wheeled Car

Covini C6W Supercar

Six Wheeled Car

Six Wheeled Supercar

For more innovative cars, check out: 12 Beautiful Concept Car Designs

  1. Evie


  2. Kevin

    Whats the point of the extra front wheel

  3. jumanicus


  4. Kochtopf


  5. spencerc6

    That’s stupid. And ugly.

  6. Mapache

    Law of compensation?

  7. Phil

    Six wheels and a turning circle like the titanic

  8. Erik van Erne

    I prefer the eight wheeled full electric Eliica

  9. Rob

    “…that improve braking, handling, and directional stability.” You wouldn’t know it from the video. It slowed down considerably around each curve. The extra friction must kill the speed and fuel economy and I betcha the tires wear a lot faster than normal too.

  10. Gert

    Pointless and unattractive.

  11. dirris

    is the 7th photo a koenigsegg ? that would be so stupid

  12. Hamzilla

    Any F1 enthusiast will tell you that this isn’t a new idea…

  13. Jake

    Did someone really say why? It explains why. And to simply say ‘ugly’ is just simple minded.

    This post was wasted on a bunch of ‘aesthetic’ minded fools. There is much more to design than looks. Besides the fact that this thing is gorgeous for a 6 wheeled mutt. Most new concepts are considered ugly at first.

    Awesome that there are designers out there finally thinking outside the box for function as well AND aesthetics.

  14. shan

    why would they do that it looks soo ugly. who would buy that car

  15. Gerard Deleu

    Very beautifull car, it looks very similar to a Ferrari. People say that is ugly only because it’s different than they see on the road. Must be very safe, especially on bracking. Like someone said: new concepts are considered ugly at first. Must be very fun to drive.

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