Collection of the most innovative modern scissors and useful cutting tools.
Laser Guided Scissors
Built-in red laser helps you get perfectly straight cuts every time.
Salad Scissors
Use this handy tool to swiftly prep ingredients for chopped salads.
Comfort Grip Scissors
Single loop design allows for cutting with a fairly straight wrist.
Modern Scissors
Beautiful scissors created out of steel bars by Michael Antrobus.
Seafood Scissors
Curved steel blades help expose leg meat in large intact pieces.
Pattern Edged Scissors
Decorative edge scissors allow you to add patterns to the fabric.
Double Scissors
Brilliant design of these unique scissors features two scissors in one.
Herb Scissors
Five blades allow you to quickly cut and chop your favorite herbs. [buy]
Giant Scissors
Larger than life ceremonial scissors made for photo opportunities.
Finger Scissors
Creative scissors designed to be worn and used on your fingers.
Measuring Tape Scissors
Cut and measure with accuracy using scissors/tape measure combo.
Bird Scissors
Kitchen scissors from Hiroshi Kajimoto can stand on their own feet.
Shredder Scissors
Steel blades help you shred confidential documents and photos.
Pizza Scissors
Scissors with built-in spatula will help you cut and serve pizza slices. [buy]
Also check out: Breakfast Sandwich Maker and Sushi Bazooka
the pizza scissors… the best!! makes me want to grab a slice now!!
Sep 3rd, 2010
Very cool. Pattern-edge scissors have been around for ages, though.
Sep 3rd, 2010
Finger Scissors!!!
Sep 4th, 2010
The Shredder Scissors and the Herb Scissors are the same, just different colours :D
Sep 4th, 2010
how does the 1st cut get made with the pizza scissor pizza?
Sep 4th, 2010
ok first of all, get a nicer pizza,
second of all, i like the finger scissors
third of all, @ Condork!, they probably are the same scissors just with different sharpness :P
fourth of all @ Clarkson, just use a knife! XD
fifth of all i dont get the point of double scissors….. :D
Sep 4th, 2010
I don’t know, I would gobble that pizza down in a second. They don’t need a nicer pizza!
Also, I wish I had some giant scissors. :D
Sep 4th, 2010
I think the double scissors have two different blades that you can interchange for different uses. So they wouldn’t be used concurrently, but rather switched back and forth. Like when you need really sharp scissors to cut wrapping paper but then need really strong blades for a box, or other app,ovations whet you might need more than one type of blade during the same activity… Scrapbooking? Multimedia decoupage? XD
Sep 4th, 2010
Aarti Harish
All are wonderful..!!!
Sep 6th, 2010
Toasty O's
Overall, not that impressed, but the seafood ones might actually come in handy if you process your own shrimp at home.
Sep 6th, 2010
Scissor Expert
Think about how the scissors work, then think about how the first cut with the pizza scissors works.
spoilers below!!?
The bottom edge of the pizza scissors go under the object being cut (the pizza). The top edge of the scissors go over the object being cut (the pizza). Then, slide the scissors over and repeat this process. After the second cut, you should have a pretty piece of pizza.
Sep 6th, 2010
Scissor Hater
That’s awesome. Someone’s invented something three times larger than a traditional pizza slicer that does the same thing.
Sep 7th, 2010
Critical Eye
So… how is one suppose to accurately measure anything with the Measuring Tape Scissors? The tape measure doesn’t look like it’s ideally positioned.
Seems like a lot of the other designs are equally bad.
Sep 7th, 2010
I think is easier to clean shrimp with a knife than those scissors!!
Sep 11th, 2010
Kelvin roger
those scissors very helpful for many works..awesome scissors work!
Oct 11th, 2010