Disturbing Beer Packaging

Disturbing Beer Packaging

The most expensive beer in the world comes packaged inside dead animals.

BrewDog‘s The End of History beer contains 55% of alcohol and each bottle is presented in a stuffed stoat (£500) or grey squirrel (£700).

Unique packaging was created by a taxidermist and all the animals used were road kill. [currently sold out]

BrewDog Beer

Squirrel Beer


Beer Packaging

Also check out: Creative and Innovative Packaging

  1. solrac

    just got Horrified

  2. sue

    Are all of those boxes filled with road kill beer? :S

  3. Jam

    All animals used were roadkill? How does that work? Isn’t the fur stained with blood, torn, etc.? :s

  4. Cory

    intensely disturbing

  5. víqui carro

    Thats the most horrible thing i’ve seen.
    why there are that kind of people in the world?

  6. Karen

    thats really disturbing.

  7. GustaveCo

    That really cannot be sanitary.

    No good.

  8. Babi

    These animals belong to nature. Even if they are road killed.
    We should be ashamed that our machinery has killed these creature in the first place, but instead, we outrageously use them in packaging.
    What an insane drive for god’s sake had urged the designer to propose such a packaging?

  9. Art of Concept

    I agree with Babi!
    Disturbing, awful bad taste! I can’t believe they allow this to be sold, dead animals are not products!

  10. Betty

    Road Kill? Well, that recycling I guess. The outfits are what puts it over the sick line.
    I’m sorry, I have to ask, to kegs come in deer carcases?

  11. vlad

    common people this made for fun, i understand and agree about being green but this time its just ridiculous :)

  12. chazzzz

    true art meets beer, great concept, don’t want one, but love the idea.

  13. forumlogic

    Marketing goes seriously weird …. guess we’ll all remember the name tho’ and that is the point of this bizarre exercise

  14. Alex

    This is the most disgusting design ive seen. I wish I could stuff the guy the same way :@

  15. Joshi

    Horrible ! How peoples can drink the beer covered by the skin of dead animals? Really disgusting designs. Such type of act should not be promoted.

  16. JTKirk

    this is one of the most original concepts i’ve seen in a long damn time. and i’m so glad to see the people who leave the inane, mindless comments on most of the cheesy crap that passes through here are as horrified as i thought their panzy asses would be. this is kick ass, awesome.

  17. Knut Asben

    That’s so funny! Great work :-)!

  18. AJ

    Just awful! Cruelty! I doubt if it sells a lot they’ll stick to road kill only, if they already do.

  19. Spanki

    as gross as it maybe its a great idea who is going to forget it
    and people out there have stuffed animals anyway as tropies and they kilthem just for it
    all i say they wrre dead anyway
    and they are most proberly really cleaned so not that unsanitary

    people are such prunes

  20. Onion

    One of the best marketing tricks i have ever seen.

  21. Alex T

    @art of concept

    of course dead animals are a product, have you not been down the meat aisle at your supermarket?

  22. Zino

    NEXT: Chinchilla and mink beers for the status-conscious! I’d like to see an entire beer keg (or 3) shoved down the throat of a post-taxidermy Rush Limbaugh!


  23. cerulean

    I, ….I just don’t quite understand.
    what could possibly be the appeal of drinking out of a squirrel?

  24. evie


  25. neighbor

    c’mon this is awesome and a perfect addition to any mancave, any nay sayers are just a bunch of tree huggers.

  26. KC

    Goes to prove that having money doesn’t prove you have to have a brain, or compassion for that matter. You can contact the company at brewdog.com and let them know what you think of their marketing ideas.

  27. enav

    Disturbing Beer Packaging is a really good title


    Just plain odd!! The idea must have been when “drunk rule” was in effect!

  29. Chedie

    I get it. But it’s really disturbing!

    Sorry, I can’t help it! >.<

  30. Julie

    I like how it’d be staring at you if you drank straight from the bottle :D

  31. Steve

    i think its a wonderful idea…
    “road kill”

    ANYTHING can be packaged and sold…
    packaging means everything..

    there’s this one guy who packages garbage that he finds on the ground for 50 bucks a cube…

  32. Pete

    Fantastic work Brewdog. I’ve been to the brewery and these are really awesome guys. All you moaners are supposed to be disgusted, you are not their target market but they have doubled in popularity with those who are. By whining on the internet about this you spread the word, so good on you :)

  33. AK47

    I’d just like to know if all the people who said this is disgusting are also opposed to wearing leather? Seriously, get over yourselves.

  34. Toasty O's

    It would be great if they had a little zipper on the bottom so that you could reuse the thing.

  35. Blurt

    “currently sold out”… This is marketing remember? If people are going to buy it, people are going to make it.

  36. JamJam

    Damn squirrels

  37. lanvy


  38. Karen

    thats the most horrible thing ive ever seen, how can people joke about road kill animals THIS way… this MOST be a joke.
    PLUS what kind of people BUY and SUPPORT this, you better spent you £500 in some charity work or something…
    sooooo cruel this is not recycling.

  39. Bill

    The animals that died lived their lives outside of a cage, free to do whatever a squirrel or a stoat would care to do. There deaths had nothing to do with the need for a packaging for a beer. As far as I’m concerned, there is far more disturbing things that happen everyday to animals raised in large scale commercial farms, and you directly support the people doing them. Hell, you use animal carcasses around you all the time… LEATHER!

    The squirrel beers are great. Fantastic idea as far as I’m concerned.

  40. David Nicklas

    this is so radical and awesome. I wonder if it comes in a 12 pack?

  41. Geno

    It would be much cheaper to stuff a bottle of the German beer down a stoat you find yourself!

  42. lolz

    aint that the same hoax as the bonsai kitten were? :D

  43. arabian


    the idea & the people who do so …
    people U R really sick

  44. wtf

    love it!

  45. Chetan Haria

    There are lot of humans who die because of accidents..
    the guys above can use them… from small childrens to old …..

    Who know they were killed bcaz of accident… humans will miss use this for they greed………………..

    plz stop this……..

  46. Chad

    Might be better if the beer poured from the other end of the animal.

  47. gunneos

    They should have a Halloween version where it’ll be red wine instead of beer, and blood-matted fur instead of cleaned, taxidermised ones.

    Opps, why not just drink squirrel blood.

    I don’t believe for a moment that roadkill can be patched up so neatly (and quickly), especially something that is as mass produced as beer.

  48. metaleaf

    I’m a vegetarian and I still like this concept. The offended comments here are priceless.

    People are horrified by the packaging, by the fact that you’re selling a dead animal. Why the hell aren’t you horrified by a hot dog? Think things through before you react too strongly.

    I wouldn’t drink this beer, but I do respect the creativity behind it.

  49. jennay

    i wouldn’t be surprised if they used the animal remains in the beer hah this is so disgusting….

  50. hello yellow

    im just glad its not the other way out.
    that would have been…
    lets get a lawsuit weird.

  51. Alberto

    Good idea!
    Just one point: why spend 500 $ just for a beer?

    Once empty i would put the bottle in the bin, as usual )))))

  52. Rose

    @ Chad

    It would be totally awesome….

  53. jamie

    I think it’s AWESOME!

    Agree upon Zipper idea :)

    This is truely the meaning of going Green, Two thumbs up!

  54. lalagirl

    Idea is very interesting and creative, but I’m no fan of killing animals for reasons like luxury :S i dunno

  55. whosurdaddy

    I think this is a great idea. The idea of going “Green” is phenominal. But I’d introduce the keg style in the form of a deer. Then we’d be talking.

  56. Paul

    This is the best thing i have seen in years

  57. privet kak dela

    cool.. i’ll make one like this with my cat

  58. Sammo

    Horay, saves me having to make the dog into a rug…now I can fill it with a keg of beer.

  59. Quiz

    I call BS

  60. titi

    wtf??.. horrified in deed

  61. SARmike

    These are so cool! I am hoping these guys can make me a wrapper for a keg. One of the antlers could be the tap handle and the mouth could be the spout! Send me a qoute, make sure you include shipping too.

  62. Rudy

    I want one!
    I just know who to gift wrap that critter thingy for. Holidays are coming.
    Will check out the price for it will be a gag gift… And will be used too.

  63. John Robinson

    The fact that so many people are disturbed by your bottle design makes it that much more appealing. I do agree that you guys are a little whacko, but I applaud your initiative toward the unusual.

  64. jeffrey

    55% alcohol beer? That’s friggin’ whiskey! Enough of that and you won’t care what the container looks like.

  65. Marcia

    kkkkkkkkk 55% alcohol to forget how you are drinking – indeed, I agree jeffrey

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