Zipper Earphones by Ji Woong

Zipper Earphones by Ji Woong

Innovative YI Sound earbuds concept, designed by Ji Woong, promises to solve the problem of tangled wires once and for all.

Simply unzip your earphones when you want to use them, and afterwards, zip them back up for storage.

Zipper Earphones by Ji Woong 2

Zipper Earphones by Ji Woong 3

Zipper Earphones by Ji Woong 5

Zipper Earphones by Ji Woong 6

Zipper Earphones by Ji Woong 7

Concept Design by Ji Woong

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  1. navin


  2. Tony

    Now That is brilliant Idea!

    And Like all brilliant ideas, you find yourself asking
    “Why has no-one come up with this before?”

  3. edin

    I agree with u Tony…..:) it’s so simple and I thought that this exzistes allready…..

  4. Kristoffer

    This is brilliant – where to buy?!?!

  5. Jaqi Mugo

    Someone answered my silent prayer!

    I have wrestled with my ipod earphones forever. HOW MUCH? WHERE CAN I BUY?

    Apple should buy this idea from him and give us ipod users a free replacement pair! Please, seriously!

  6. gary

    Simple + effective + clever. Where do I buy?

  7. Michael Coyne

    awesome idea unfortunately just a concept now or I would buy a pair. however another way to not have tangled cord is bluetooth headphones. nocords no tangle.

  8. bengky


  9. Jef

    _love_ it.

  10. r

    nice idea but wouldn’t the zippers hurt your face?

  11. Juliette

    great design, totally useful + fashion accessory all at once!

  12. Beezy

    SO SMART! this awesome!

  13. Tim Cuthbertson

    Surely retractable headphones are a better idea. You’ll still end up with a meter-long “zipper” chord that presumably tangles itself (less, yes – but not none). I picked up a pair of sony retractable headphones a couple months ago, and love them for their convenience despite their inferior sound quality.

  14. arunsigh

    I love this blog

  15. susan

    oh snap that’s neat :)

  16. Unkerft

    Not only are a great and practical design, but look soooooooooooooooooooooooo cool too. I wish i could get one.

  17. amanhem

    very cool desing,
    and useful,
    i want to get one.

  18. Maarten

    Simply beautiful, and very intelligent! lets start production, would love to buy this myself.

  19. itsbrandnew

    This is a great idea! I mean when you don’t use them you can zip them and they don’t get tangled probably like other ear bud phones! AWESOME!!!

  20. Andy

    I would love to have one

  21. iEdge

    I’m so ready to buy, will someone please make this?

  22. Alyss

    ya it’s a good idea but personally I think it looks kinda …..tacky

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