Comfortable turtleneck sweater designed for small dogs will keep the pet warm and bring a smile to your face.
Comfortable turtleneck sweater designed for small dogs will keep the pet warm and bring a smile to your face.
Creative backpacks feature beautiful wings handmade out of layers of wool using wet felting technique.
Unlimited storage coffee table made out of hundreds of elastic rubber bands wrapped around metal frame structure.
Innovative modular lighting system features cool hexagon shaped LED lights designed to be easily arranged in different shapes.
Creative bat shaped necklace designed for two best friends and fans of iconic Batman and Robin comic book characters.
Creative ring designed for a beautiful Princess and future Queen looks like cute miniature gold crown.
Extremely cool bicycle concept with futuristic all-wheel drive and hubless wheel design inspired by the infinity symbol.
Futuristic lamp features cool falling digital green code from iconic science fiction action movie The Matrix.
Modular chair designed to provide the feeling of a soft embrace is perfect for easy reading and comfortable relaxing.