Floating Hotel

Floating Hotel

Luxury cruise ship with 16 modern hotel rooms allows people to safely and comfortably travel along the Amazon river in Peru.

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Backyard Office

Backyard Office

OfficePOD is a modern cubicle designed for people who work from home.

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Toilet Paper Roll Trees

Toilet Paper Roll Trees

Series of beautiful paper trees made by Japanese artist Yuken Teruya out of recycled toilet paper rolls.

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Modern Office in Paris

Modern Office in Paris

PONS + HUOT office designed by Christian Pottgiesser is equipped with transparent dome shaped workspaces instead of regular cubicles.

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Tree House Inspired Building

Tree House Inspired Building

Dr Chau Chak Wing Building designed by famous architect Frank Gehry.

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Unique and Stylish Glass Doors

Unique and Stylish Glass Doors

Series of beautiful sliding doors designed by Italian company OTCDoors.

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Shell House in Japan

Shell House in Japan

Beautiful shell inspired vacation house by Japanese architect Kotaro Ide.

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Portable Office on Wheels

Portable Office on Wheels

Kruikantoor is a mobile office designed by Tim Vinke from the Netherlands.

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15 Creative and Unusual Chairs

15 Creative and Unusual Chairs

Collection of the most creative modern chairs and unusual chair designs that will look great in any living room or office.

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Modern Office for your Backyard

Modern Office for your Backyard

Archipod attempts to reinvent the concept of a traditional home office by bringing modern workspace and a peaceful working environment straight to your backyard.

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