Multifunctional bench with integrated coffee table and bookshelves features unique curved design made from plywood.
Multifunctional bench with integrated coffee table and bookshelves features unique curved design made from plywood.
Reusable green and yellow honey packaging inspired by the golden ratio looks like a simple beehive and promotes sustainable consumption.
Beautiful cheese knives made out of polished stainless steel feature mouse shaped handles that provide extra grip and fit comfortably in the hand.
Modern bookshelf with zigzag design made out of grinded aluminum allows people to display their books in a triangular wave pattern.
Creative sculptures made of bronze seamlessly blend the human form with abstract concepts, resulting in surreal art that will leave you in awe.
Unusual bicycle with innovative design does not have wheels and rides on continuous tracks similar to those found on tanks or snowmobiles.
Innovative muscle support gear uses rubber strings to train and supplement the muscles used for walking.
Comfortable lounge chair with integrated dog house is a cozy space for dogs and their owners to hang out together.
Powerful Tic Tac dispenser shaped to look like a handgun lets people enjoy their favorite breath-freshening candy in a whole new way.