Padlock Handbag by Kobi Levi

Padlock Handbag by Kobi Levi

Creative handbag designed to look like an oversized padlock helps unlock fun conversations with strangers and people you know.

Padlock Handbag designed by Kobi Levi features golden body made of metallic leather and thick silver handle.

On the inside, beautiful red leather lining adds a dramatic flourish, as your bag screams: “Danger, my style is so cool, it is under lock and key.”

Is padlock shaped handbag practical? Yes. Subtle? Absolutely not!

Lock Down Handbag by Kobi Levi

Finally, unusual handbag that says, ‘Hands off!’ without having to say a word.

Padlock Handbag

Unique handbag by Kobi Levi for when you want everyone to do a double take and then ask, “Wait… is that a giant padlock?”

Padlock Shaped Handbag

Also check out: Paper Clip Handbag

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