Inner Animal

Inner Animal

Unique photo series by HELMO reveals the inner animal of different people.

Portraits of fashion models were combined with photos of various animals.

Beautiful and creative example of double exposure photography.

The Inner Animal

Multiple Exposure

Double Exposure Photography

Beasts of Fashion

HELMO Beast Mode

Multiple Exposure Photography

Your Inner Animal


HELMO Beasts of Fashion

Double Exposure

Beast Mode

Also check out: Pin-Up Cats and Animals in Stylish Clothing

  1. jessica


  2. Manu

    they look amazing

  3. Micah

    Honestly, I don’t think this one is that great, its just pictures with pictures of animals slapped on top. I feel bad for the guy who got beetle…

  4. Gert

    I agree with Micha, this isn’t terribly well done actually. No effort is made to line up any sort of significant shape or relate the separate images with each other.

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