Frozen Waves

Frozen Waves

Breathtaking photos of ocean waves captured using high speed camera by talented French photographer Pierre Carreau.

Frozen Waves look like beautiful sculptures that were carved out of ice.

Frozen Wave


Waves by Pierre Carreau

Pierre Carreau

Photographer Pierre Carreau

Pierre Carreau AquaViva

Frozen Waves by Pierre Carreau

Frozen Ocean Waves

Frozen Ocean Wave

Ocean Wave

Ocean Waves

Also check out: Snowflakes and Frozen Soap Bubbles

  1. argon

    Cool, but Katsushika Hokusai did this more or less 200 years ago :)

  2. Douglas

    I don’t think he had a high speed camera to help him capture the moment of the wave either.

  3. kelly Tozarin

    I would like to surf inside the last last one!

  4. Ingo de Haan

    The one with the white foam looks like a tiger attacking you.

  5. jacklyn


  6. argon

    @Douglas: that’s the point…. :)

  7. Melanie

    Breathtaking! WOW! This is just amazing how he captured the waves with a high speed camera. They look like glass I could look at these for hours! Amazing.

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