Tape Art

Tape Art

Beautiful artworks created out of recycled tape by talented artist Erika Iris.

Unique portraits of musicians, famous people, and movie stars are made out of recycled cassette tapes, old film reels, and VHS tapes.

Audrey Hepburn

Erika Iris

Alfred Hitchcock

Film Art

The Big Lebowski


Pulp Fiction

VHS Tape Art

Grace Kelly

Tape Art by Erika Iris

Debbie Harry


Paul Griffiths

Tape Portraits

Albert Einstein

Tape Art by iri5

Melora Creager

Tape Portrait

Jimi Hendrix

Cassette Tape Portrait

The Beatles

Cassette Tape Art


Cassette Tape Art

Marilyn Monroe

Tape Art by Erika Iris Simmons

Erika Iris Simmons

Also check out: Vinyl Sculptures and Cassette Tape Sculptures

  1. Betty

    OMG! These are absolutely brilliant!

  2. Nisa Zul

    nice…. good work c(=

  3. Divinity

    great idea to recycle tapes and use them as art!

  4. Dominic


  5. Olivia


  6. Gert

    Very creative. I like it.

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