Skeleton Horse

Skeleton Horse

Sandy Cramer transformed her black horse into a skeleton for Halloween.

White bones, ribs, and skull were carefully painted on both sides of the black horse. Creative and eye-catching Halloween costume!

Headless Rider

Painted Skeleton Horse

Skeleton Horse for Halloween

Halloween Skeleton Horse

Halloween Horse

Sandy Cramer

Knot Just Rope

Painted Horse

Also check out: AT-AT Dog Costume and Art Painted on Cows

  1. Betty


  2. Sami


  3. Dominic

    Where can I want one.

  4. Sam

    Hello, I am planning to paint my horse similar to this, I was wondering what kind of paint you used? The paint I have is just not bright enough and you can barely see it! If you could email me back asap that would be great!!

  5. Sara

    Great costume!! My daughter saw this and wants to do this for her haloween party . I am looking for stencils to replica this image. Can you please email me with info. Thank you!!

  6. Jana

    I love this idea. Is there a stencil/ template I can use? Please email me.

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