Simpsonized Breaking Bad

Simpsonized Breaking Bad

Famous characters from the Breaking Bad television show were placed into the Simpsons universe by talented illustrator Adrien Noterdaem.

Simpsonized versions of Walter, Jesse, Hank, Saul, Todd, and other iconic characters. Someone should create Breaking Bad animated series.

Walter White


Walter White Jr


Skyler White

The Simpsons Breaking Bad

Hank Schrader

Adrien Noterdaem

Marie Schrader

The Simpsons

Saul Goodman

Simpsons Breaking Bad Characters

Gustavo “Gus” Fring

Breaking Bad

Simpsons vs Breaking Bad

Mike Ehrmantraut

Simpsonized Breaking Bad Characters

Hector “Tio” Salamanca

Simpsons Meets Breaking Bad

The Cousins

Breaking Bad Art



Jesse Pinkman and Heisenberg

Simpsons Breaking Bad


Simpsons and Breaking Bad

The Simpsons Breaking Bad

Simpsonized Adrien Noterdaem

Also check out: Disney Star Wars and LEGO Breaking Bad

  1. Sharon

    RIP Walter White. Off into the wild blue yonder

  2. Mark

    These are fabulous.

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