Famous characters from the Breaking Bad television show were placed into the Simpsons universe by talented illustrator Adrien Noterdaem.
Simpsonized versions of Walter, Jesse, Hank, Saul, Todd, and other iconic characters. Someone should create Breaking Bad animated series.
Walter White
Walter White Jr
Skyler White
Hank Schrader
Marie Schrader
Saul Goodman
Gustavo “Gus” Fring
Mike Ehrmantraut
Hector “Tio” Salamanca
The Cousins
Jesse Pinkman and Heisenberg
The Simpsons Breaking Bad
Also check out: Disney Star Wars and LEGO Breaking Bad
RIP Walter White. Off into the wild blue yonder
Sep 30th, 2013
These are fabulous.
Oct 31st, 2013