Become Someone Else

Become Someone Else

Creative posters designed for Mint Vinetu bookstore in Vilnius, Lithuania promote classic literature and show the power of books.

Created by LOVE agency, clever posters encourage people to read books and experience the life of the main characters.

“Become someone else: Pick your hero at the Mint Vinetu bookstore…”

Read Books Become Someone Else

Read Books

Mint Vinetu

Pick Your Hero

Become Someone Else

Become Someone Else

Mint Vinetu Bookstore

Also check out: Unique Bookstore and Modern Library in Norway

  1. jacklyn


  2. sgh

    hhmmm… creative enough!

  3. Betty

    Very cool, very imaginative!

  4. Dominic

    Trés Creatif!

  5. Gert

    Reminds me of something my friends and I would have done in high school. lol

  6. james


  7. wha?

    Looks like they all have poor eyesight. Should be an advertisement for glasses.

    But for real, I do like these.

  8. kadal

    haha..i like this…got to find a book with nice face in the cover then :P

  9. Chantelle

    This is so creative! I like that the simplicity of the designs lead you to thinking the illustration is the readers face. Very nice! & Clean.

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