Turkey Hat

Turkey Hat

Creative winter hat designed by FredFlare looks like a large roasted turkey.

Knitted “Turkey Hat” with tasty looking drumstick on each side will keep your head warm and remind you of delicious Thanksgiving dinner.

Knitted Turkey Hat

Knit Turkey Hat

Thanksgiving Hat

Turkey Winter Hat

Thanksgiving Turkey Hat

Also check out: Beard Hat and Muppet Hats

  1. Dave

    Dorky yet sexy

  2. Megan

    LOL Awesome hat! Happy Thanksgiving!

  3. tonymoly

    it’s so cute.

  4. Jani Khan

    Perfect for Thanksgiving :)

  5. Claudette

    I just love it. It is so clever! Congratulations to the designer.

  6. Enrico Martinez

    I’d go for these girls.
    They are yummier than the turkey hats.

  7. Gert


  8. kadal

    turkey in a head….suddenly i remember Mr. Bean

  9. Sammy

    That is the most ridiculous thing I’ve seen all day.

  10. Cassandra

    Can I buy a turkey hat

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