Hair Architecture

Hair Architecture

Unusual hairstyles designed by FAHR 021.3 were inspired by architecture.

Hairchitecture: Architects teamed up with renowned hairdresser Gijo and brought together the worlds of architecture and fashion.


Hairchitecture by FAHR0213

Architectural Hair

Architectural Hairstyle

Architectural Haircut

Modern Hairstyle

Modern Hair

Modern Haircut

Innovative Hairstyle

Innovative Hair

Futuristic Hairstyle

Futuristic Haircut

Innovative Haircut

Futuristic Hair

Architecture Hairstyle

Architecture Haircut

Also check out: LEGO Wigs and Creative Hairstyles

  1. Lilia Smiles

    I seem to like the short haircuts a little more. I liked the haircut in the 12th photo from the top because it was cut to somewhat resemble a city sky-line.

  2. gunneos

    Really creative for someone who’d have to sit in a chair all day.

  3. Rudy

    Think it’s very creative but it looks weird on the street.

  4. Douglas

    The two guys are sharing the practical joke played on the model.

  5. E

    The hair cut on pict 3 & 4 is applicable.

  6. A bored housewife

    No one is affixing chicken coop wire to my head, EVER.
    The other’s are interesting but probably pricey.
    I can barely keep up ($) my 2010 Katie Holmes A-line BOB with bangs cut.

  7. Gert

    Introducing… Princess Leia’s new hairdoo for the next movies…

  8. Karen

    I feel sorry for those girls after the photoshoot is over…

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