Photos Taken Inside Instruments

Photos Taken Inside Instruments

Creative advertising campaign for the Berlin Philharmonic Orchestra features wonderful macro photos taken inside of different musical instruments.

Amazing images reveal hidden worlds filled with beautiful landscapes and architecture. [art director: Björn Ewers, photographer: Mierswa Kluska]

Instruments from the Inside

Instruments from Inside

Inside Musical Instruments

Inside Instruments

Photos Taken Inside of Instruments

Inside Instrument

Also check out: Creative Guitars and Unusual Pianos

  1. Lea

    Beautiful pictures! Although I can’t identify the 4th, 5th and 6th pictures… the ones with many tubes and the one in between them. But this is a neat idea!

  2. gunneos

    they look like rooms!

  3. Johnny

    I’m guessing they’re pipe organs. Ones in large churches. From what I gather the shots are from string instrument, brass instrument, string instrument, pipe organ, string instrument, pipe organ, and another string instrument. The lighting is beautiful :)

  4. minions

    I like this so much!

  5. charu

    love it.

  6. kadal

    after this i want to see inside my guitars…

  7. Alston, HC. W

    Love the marvelous space inside!
    No wonder the beautiful sound could resonate from it!

  8. Mike

    My guesses are violin or viola, flute, cello or bass, pipe organ, acoustic guitar, pipe organ, violin or viola. It’s really hard to get an idea of scale for the orchestra strings but the 2nd is definitely a woodwind instrument.

  9. L

    I wonder what the acoustics would be like if you scaled these up and built actual rooms to these dimensions, particularly the guitar and violin.



    You said “they look like rooms”. That’s because these are ads for chamber music (“Kammermusik” in german).

  11. Acerglyn

    I’m quite certain the second is a Soprano Saxophone. The leather pads with resonators, to me, are a dead giveaway. At this end of the instrument, a flute would generally have bladder pads that are screwed in. The violin/viola and the bass (possibly hybrid-note the presence of the cross-brace on the bottom) are both missing their sound-posts, so neither are in a playable condition.

  12. Nikhita

    These are so beautiful!! What an amazing thought and brilliant execution!!

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