Real Dollhouse

Real Dollhouse

Canadian artist Heather Benning transformed old abandoned farmhouse in Manitoba into a life-size dollhouse for real people.

The side wall was completely removed and replaced with transparent plexiglass. Then, the house was decorated with furniture from 1960s.

Life Sized Dollhouse

Life Sized Doll House

Real Life Dollhouse

Life Size Doll House

Heather Benning


Real Life Doll House

Dollhouse by Heather Benning

Life Size Dollhouse

Real Doll House

Also check out: Upside Down House and Real Life Up House

  1. Katie

    This is so cool. I love houses with huge windows… definitely wouldn’t mind something like this, but a tad more modern. I kinda wonder if this house is actually liveable because it looks like it is sagging in the middle.

  2. LOL

    restroom not viewable?

  3. Cj

    Proper dolls use outhouses.

  4. Glitto

    Love the concept and work done with the old house, I think they just need to work on the outer walls of the house, these old-looking walls are making the overall look very bad.

  5. Rebekah

    I love that she sunk money into this house as an art project as a labor of love. While not livable, she gave honor to that old house.

  6. Douglas

    Art inspires. I don’t always “get it” or like it and some is absolute garbage but overall it adds flavor to the human condition.

  7. Enrico Martinez

    Is Big Brother around to watch?

  8. looloo

    OOOOOOOoOOOOOOOH. *I* have a real life doll house too! in fact, i live in one. its called my home

  9. Brenda Stengel

    Sooooooooo wonderful, this takes me back to all my great summer memories of summers on the farm during the 50’s and 60’s. Thank you for this great icon of Canadian prairie life.

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