Invisible Bicycles

Invisible Bicycles

Series of clever photo manipulations by talented artist Zhao Huasen shows people on invisible bicycles riding around the city.

Floating travelers levitate in the air above the shadows of invisible bikes.

Zhao Huasen

Invisible Bikes

Invisible Bicycle

People on Invisible Bicycles

Invisible Bike

Floating by Zhao Huasen

Invisible Bicycles by Zhao Huasen

For more inspiration, check out: Cool Photos of Levitating Girl

  1. Aries

    WOW!! this photoshop edited or photo Levitating?

  2. The Thinking Insomniac

    Love it!

  3. Zz Tang

    the last one shows my home town Hangzhou :)

  4. Dominic

    use the Force to Photoshop I will…

  5. Aerwhyn

    Not really invisible if there’s a shadow. It’d also be much funnier without a shadow.

  6. Teacher Dude

    If only one of them had their feet up on the handle bars, then they would look like they were doing Liu Kang’s bicycle kick

  7. Shandya

    I disagree. I think it’s the shadow that makes the photos interesting.

  8. Gert

    When did Photoshop become art exactly?

  9. Jose

    Mother of god they have harnessed………. The power of levitation O______O

  10. Dr Bob Shambles

    Mikael Colville-Andersen has been including similar edits in his ‘bicycle anthropology’ presentations for a while now. Not as well done as these ones, admittedly, but still…




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