Glass Sculptures

Glass Sculptures

Beautiful transparent sculptures created out of glass by Robert Mickelsen.

Internationally acclaimed glass artist makes extremely detailed sculptures that look like animals, humans, and familiar objects.

Glass Art

Glass Umbrella

Robert Mickelsen

Glass Bottles

Glass Sculpture

Glass Rifle

Glass Vase

Glass Weapon

Robert Mickelsen Glass Art

Glass Gun

Glass Coca Cola Bottle

Glass Sculptures by Robert Mickelsen

Glass Horse

Also check out: Glass House and Reflective Mirror Sculptures

  1. -_-

    that must have been hard to make… so COOL!

  2. Betty

    It’s beautiful work but the subject matter is rather pedestrian.

  3. Gert

    I agree with Betty.

  4. Douglas

    This looks like the technique seen in the mall where the guy cranks out unicorns and dolphins. Taken to a higher level of course. Kinda like the machine guns. Nice detail.

  5. O_O

    These remind me of Kingdom Hearts for some reason..

  6. Fred

    That MP-5PDW is sweet.

  7. stacy

    the vase is kind of mysterious, there are 2 women profiles….

  8. Banaan

    This really blows my mind,

    You don’t say…

  9. kadal


  10. Noeleen

    Just amazing one can only guess at the time it took…

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