Floating Movie Theater

Floating Movie Theater

Creative movie theater designed by German architect Ole Scheeren floats in the middle of beautiful lagoon near Koh Yao Noi island in Thailand.

Floating screen located between two rocks offers unforgettable movie watching experience. This unique cinema is accessible only by boat.

Floating Theater

Floating Movie Theatre

Floating Screen

Floating Stage

Movie Theater



Floating Cinema

Floating Theatre

Also check out: 12 Unusual and Creative Home Theaters

  1. Dominic

    Amazing. Definatley going!

  2. Angie

    What if you wanna go to the bathroom?

  3. Jeki

    @Angie you can just do it into the water ;)

  4. colooche

    Absolutely amazing, but isn’t it a little scary at night?!!!

  5. Benleem

    Stunning to say the least.

  6. O_O

    I wanna goooo!!!

  7. Douglas

    Once you’re there, you’re there. Whack.

  8. charu

    fantastic! Lovely!

  9. Cheryl

    I’m not seeing the popcorn stand?

  10. Sharyn

    Wow! How beautiful. I’d love to go – I’d probably need to take a heap of seasickness prevention pills first, but it’d be totally worth it.

  11. DJzGirlfriend

    it would guarantee no one walking out of the movie.

  12. Rosanne

    Thats amazing and so cool!,,,

  13. Doc

    And of course the perfect movie to watch would be deep rising or anaconda :D

  14. aljoheri


  15. kadal

    watching movie in 3d

    dude 1 : hey looks, thats tsunami looks real..cool.!!
    dude 2 : no…wait..!!! thats real tsunami..!!!

  16. D.AiM


  17. buggz

    Cool idea, but I think you’d discover plenty of new mosquito bites after the movie!

  18. Feer

    WOW, its amazing !

  19. Libeerian


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