Underwater Dogs

Underwater Dogs

Amazing photos of swimming dogs by talented photographer Seth Casteel.

Clear underwater images show how diving dogs jump into the water to retrieve the ball. [order “Underwater Dogs” book]


Diving Dog

Underwater Dog

Swimming Dog

Seth Casteel

Seth Casteel Photography

Swimming Dogs

Underwater Dog Photography

Dog Photography

Dog by Seth Casteel

Diving Dogs

Diving Dogs by Seth Casteel

Seth Casteel Pet Photography

Seth Casteel Underwater Dog Photography

Seth Casteel Dog Photography

Swimming Dogs by Seth Casteel

Dogs Can Swim

Underwater Dogs Photos

Underwater Dogs Pictures

Swimming Dogs Photos

Diving Dogs Photos

Swimming Dog by Seth Casteel

Underwater Dogs by Seth Casteel

Also check out photos of Animal Eyes, Snakes, and Yoga Dogs

  1. Tao

    All these photos need captions.

  2. C. M.

    all the balls are photoshopped into the photos

  3. Lilia Smiles

    They really really want the ball

  4. Gert

    Yes @C.M. All of life in every photo is photoshopped. You can get off the interwebz now. You’ve seen all the real pictures and have nothing else to look at….

  5. Betty


  6. MasterOche

    A pics speak 4 a 1k words!!! Lol!!!

  7. Miss K


    ROFL!!! LMBO!!!

  8. Miss K

    forgot to add- BRILLIANT!

  9. Mel

    And they don’t swallow the water!? lol

  10. Dominic

    Brilliant – SO AWESOME!

  11. viewer

    hahahhh this is brilliant!!

  12. Maseki

    Some of these pictures make the dogs look vicious!

  13. Oliver

    Funny! What about cats?

  14. viewer

    how you gonna get cats into water haha

  15. Douglas

    @C.M. The dogs are actually falling and this is their reaction. The water is photoshopped !*

  16. Feer

    owwwn so cuteeeee!!

  17. Dominic

    @C.M. – very silly response!

  18. Mayger

    Love it, is very funny underwater pictures and photos!

  19. laala

    ome some them is just too funny. but some of them is kinda scary.

  20. NEB

    These are cute, amazing, fun! Great idea, great photos!

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