Marbelous Table

Marbelous Table

Unique wooden table with integrated marble track designed by Ontwerpduo.

Beautiful table was made out of solid maple wood. [photos by Lisa Klappe]

Marble Track

Table with Marble Track

Marbelous by Ontwerpduo

Ontwerpduo Marbelous Table

Marble Track Table


Also check out: Ripple Effect Tea Table and See-Saw Table

  1. gunneos

    So… are those marbles supposed to fall all over on the floor, or is that just decoration?

  2. stanley

    how much

  3. Diego

    creative :D i always loved that kind of games with marvels, but there’s something that i would change in the table: i would create a system that could keep the marvels in the table and not let them fall (they may get lost)

  4. rins

    what a fantastic thing…. surrrrrr

  5. Betty

    This would be a great table to have if you were trying to hold an adult conversation with kids (old enough not to swallow the marbles). While you talk, they can play and then when the conversation gets dull, join the fun.

  6. Robert Gracie

    I want one!!!!!

  7. Dominic

    Dont know what the use of this is, but i Want one!

  8. Lilia Smiles

    It seems fun the first few times but after awhile…

  9. Elliott

    would suck to clean if you spilled food on it

  10. Dave! Yognaut

    How much? I will pay for one of these things!

  11. Bill

    It’s a pretty cool concept, but it seems like every mother’s nightmare. There would always be marbles everywhere – getting stepped on, swallowed by younger kids, sucked into the vacuum cleaner. I think it would be more appropriate as an adult toy.



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