Smoking Kids

Smoking Kids

Extremely controversial portraits of smoking children by talented Belgian photographer Frieke Janssens.

Series was inspired by YouTube video of smoking Indonesian toddler.

By using kids as models, the artist wants viewers to focus on the act of smoking rather than making assumptions about the person.

The aesthetics of smoke and the particular way smokers gesticulate with their hands and posture cannot be denied, but there is also a nod to less attractive aspects, on the line between beauty and ugliness of smoking.

There were no real cigarettes on set. Instead, chalk and sticks of cheese were uses as props, while candles and incense provided the smoke.


Smoking Kid

Smoking Child

Smoking Portrait

Smoking Person

Smoking Photo Series

Smoking Photo

Smoking Image

Anti Smoking

Anti Smoking Ad

Frieke Janssens

Anti Smoking Campaign

Smoking Kids by Frieke Janssens


Also check out: 15 Powerful Anti-Smoking Ads

  1. StevenRaj

    The kids looks cute

  2. Lilia Smiles

    This is really powerful and is a reminder that smoking not only affects a single person, but the people around them and their posterity. I also agree that a person isn’t necessarily a bad person if they smoke, but the action itself is irresponsible.

  3. Mon Sun C

    I agree with Lilia about the action and how it affects everyone including children. It is a really strong visual message

  4. Pilar

    very funny!

  5. Gert

    And weirdly I remember many of the advertisements these are based on. Apparently I was paying more attention as a kid than I thought.

    Never picked up smoking even though my parents did but that might be because I made the connection that smoking in and of itself did not make you attractive.

    The chain smoking ginger made me lol though.


    dirty children they should not smoke bad for health

  7. Elliott

    Man, round photos look weird on the web.

  8. douglas

    Lets put kids in adult situations and call it inspired art. Anything for a buck.

  9. Elvisio

    “a person isn’t necessarily a bad person if they smoke”

    Gee, thanks.

  10. Mike M.

    Parent of child, who give permision to such photo session is sick or very poor, no doubt. Smoking is harmul to people, especially kids. I’m curious how many cigarettes they had to smoke during the shoot.

  11. roxy

    the 2nd and the 6th are my favorite. i don’t condone smoking, but these are pretty original. i kinda dig it

  12. spanki franki

    lol if you watch the video you see they are using insense sticks!
    you silly people
    i think the whole idea of this is really powerful
    but cute at the smae time lol

  13. johnny E.

    excellent work, but disturbing

    @ Mike M. :
    as described :There were no real cigarettes on set. Instead, chalk and sticks of cheese were uses as props, while candles and incense provided the smoke

  14. Mike M.

    @Johnny E.:

    You are right – my mistake. I was reading very fast and bit untidy, impressed by this photos. However this kind of art bothers me. From my point of view art should be free from any constraints, but it is one bridge too far.

  15. Glenn Swann

    I see the art in it all. Lucky for me I am mature enough to see it as art. My teen age daughter looking over my shoulder did not.

  16. I Like Traffic Lights


  17. Betty

    Not sure about the whole statement about smoking but the hair/makeup and wardrobe on the kids is FANTASTIC.

  18. Rolando

    Smoking Kills!

  19. Zerian

    @ Betty
    I know right!
    Styled perfectly.

  20. Cate

    I love love love these. They are just so elegantly done. The blonde at the top is just perfect.

  21. Yui

    it’s amazing how expressive those kids are!

  22. voynich

    arent’s this forbiden ? :-/

  23. James

    I love this series! I want to keep looking at them, but I’m at work :(

    Great style! its cute and sad and interesting. Its in your face, but there is a lot of nuance too.

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