Dog Mansions

Dog Mansions

German company Best Friend’s Home creates amazing houses for dogs.

High quality wood and shatterproof glass windows make each doghouse resistant against all types of weather. Beautiful designs were inspired by modern houses, fairytale castles, and luxurious mansions.

Find dogs and puppies and give them a nice mansion.

Modern Doghouse

Cubix Doghouse

Modern Dog House


Castle Doghouse

Fairytale Doghouse


Doghouse Interior

Dog House

Mansion Doghouse

Dog Home

Alabama Doghouse

Dog Mansion

Dog owners should also check out: Beautiful Photos of Cute Dogs

  1. Richard

    Seems to small to be a dog`s mansion, but they do look a bit over the top

  2. Bryant Yee

    wait! where are the kitty palaces?

  3. Lilia Smiles

    LOVE the Cubix doghouse…the glass adds some flair to it!

  4. Lee Cooper

    Makes me wish I had a dog just so I could make my own!

  5. Dominic

    I Love these… Need to et my dogs a couple of them :)

  6. Nora

    I don’t understand why people spend so much money on their pets…

  7. Shannah

    Nora… Is it fair to assume you have no pets that are a PART OF YOUR FAMILY?

  8. Shirley

    love seeing modern advances made for loyal pets =]

  9. GBLUE

    Shannah…I agree with Nora, but that’s just because animals don’t care about bling. P.s. I have a dog who is very loyal

  10. Gert

    It’s not about the dog caring, it’s about the owner’s sense of humor. Personally, I thought these were great compared to a nasty common every day dog house.

  11. Person

    How do you clean them? Would you have to pay ‘Best Friend’s Home’ to come disassemble and clean them aswell?

  12. Person

    This is soo cute:) Want for my dog just because i love her:)

  13. James Ward

    Now the Occupy (pick your place) toadies can have a nicer place to stay than a tent. What a great tool for them to make fun of those damn rich people who make things like stylish dog houses.

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