Miniature Origami

Miniature Origami

German artist Anja Markiewicz creates miniature sculptures out of paper.

Extremely tiny origami creations look like different animals and flowers.

Origami Elephant

Origami Crane

Origami Flower

Origami Dragon

Macro Origami

Origami Butterfly



Amazing Origami

Tiny Origami

Paper Art

Origami Art

Paper Sculptures

Anja Markiewicz Origami

Small Origami

For more creative origami, check out: Incredible Origami Sculptures

  1. Jason D

    I’m starting to get sick of people making things small and then writing them off as creative or artistic. They are neither.

  2. Lilia Smiles

    I suppose “creativity” and “artistic” are subjective descriptions…one has to be creative in order to find ways to create miniature objects. Besides the “artistic” element is already achieved by folding origami. If miniature origami isn’t artistic, then “normal-sized” origami shouldn’t be artistic either. Plus you have to give them some credit for being so patient to make something as big as your fingertip. :)

  3. Nilesh Pawar

    Agreed totally with Lilia. It’s just mean not to call this art. Great work by Anja Markiewicz. I would love to see a complete jungle of these little creatures.

  4. Bryant Yee

    I can’t even fold half of those animals normal-sized :(

  5. kadal

    COOL…..hey that’s a dragon….

  6. Zack

    I smell jealousy from Jason the troll. Cute work!

  7. ran

    how anja made this???

  8. Ninja Egg :D

    With the help of really small blue people (smurfs)

  9. ana

    Well, i love it!! and the frog is my favorite.. really special one! good job!

  10. Vijay S

    Fantastic work. But to appeal to people,they should be of good visual size, otherwise, they just remain in albums.

  11. dentom

    @bryant, normal as in life-size? Me neither :)
    Really like the frog!

  12. angie

    awesome really tiny coooooooooooooool

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