Creative Yearbook Photos

Creative Yearbook Photos

Series of unique high school yearbook portraits by Russian photo studio Slon.

The idea was ​to combine photography with drawings on a chalkboard.


London Dream




Football Dream








Movie Theatre

For more inspiration, check out: Cool Photos of Levitating Girl

  1. Niyari

    More schools should do this

  2. JD

    this is awesome!

  3. MMM

    These are great and as individual as the kids!

  4. Ninja Egg :D

    I wish my school did this……but i can see why they don’t. It would take way too long to make each picture for each kid. But still really awesome. :)

  5. Ryan

    This is perhaps the most unique idea for a school yearbook I’ve ever seen, fantastic. My school wouldn’t have gone for this as the teachers were too stuffy and strict.

  6. Maria

    someone should’ve allowed that in my school…

  7. miggy

    very nice concept would be better if it had more color on it

  8. argon-76

    Russia? cool!

  9. Nataly

    this is awesome!

  10. bycostello

    I’d nick the idea but can’t draw anywhere near as good as that…

  11. Pavel Our yearbook, something similiar and my work :)

  12. jstorm

    As a yerd (yearbook nerd) and yearbook adviser for over 6 years…seen it, done it, could do much better. The things yearbook kids put out now, especially for the Pacemaker Awards, really is neck and neck with professional magazines.

    For those who kept saying, “I wish our SCHOOL had let us do this!” …think for a bit. If you attended a graduating class of 50, maybe it’d work. 50 drawings (that didn’t have some hateful/perverted message…you know ONE of your peers would try and ruin it for EVERYONE) over maybe 5 classrooms with 5 designers/artists and 2 photographers + equipment…3-5 days of live shots, if students actually made it to their appointments. For a graduating class of 800+, and I’m ONLY talking about SENIORS… NO WAY.

    Now go back to actually take a LOOK at your yearbook, to the People or Senior or Student Life section or even the Opening. For many NSPA yearbooks, the individual student features are located there.

  13. Jorge Cajina


  14. goober

    Damn, they have good looking girls in Russia

  15. trolololol

    @jstorm: you’re obnoxious. just appreciate that these kids worked hard to make something awesome. sure, you probably have seen better but so what? these are great, and thats all that matters.

    now, for the post: this is awesomeee and i wish my class (graduating class of 17, jstorm) would do this!

  16. Jason Lee Smith

    These are so cool! The movie one would be the most fitting for me.

  17. andrea

    this is cool……

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