14 Cool Designs Inspired by R2-D2

14 Cool Designs Inspired by R2-D2

Creative gadgets and cool product designs inspired by the iconic droid from the Star Wars universe.

R2-D2 Mailbox

To celebrate Star Wars 30th anniversary, U.S. Postal Service has placed special R2-D2 mailboxes around the country. [more]

R2-D2 Mailbox

Steampunk R2-D2

Beer-barrel R2D2 sculpture by Deviant Art user Amoebabloke.

Steampunk R2-D2

R2-D2 USB Hub

Cool USB hub from Japan is a perfect gift for any Star Wars fan. [more]

R2-D2 USB Hub

R2-D2 Tissue Box Cover

R2-D2 tissue box cover from Japanese manufacturer Ensky. [more]

R2-D2 Tissue Box Cover

R2-D2 Speakers

Each droid’s head flips open like a trash can to reveal a speaker.

R2-D2 Speakers

R2-D2 Hat

Handmade R2-D2 Beanie created for a Halloween costume.

R2-D2 Hat

R2-D2 Trash Can

This unusual trash can is an incredibly detailed replica of R2-D2. [more]

R2-D2 Trash Can

R2-D2 Refrigerator

This cool R2-D2 compact fridge was made back in 2002 as a promotional prize for an Attack of the Clones contest in Japan.

R2-D2 Refrigerator

R2-D2 Backpack

Awesome R2-D2 inspired backpack is the droid you’re looking for! [more]

R2-D2 Backpack

R2-D2 Aquarium

Modeled after the most well-known astromech droid in the galaxy, this R2-D2 holds a 1 3/4-gallon aquarium tank in his central compartment. [more]

R2-D2 Aquarium

R2-D2 Coffee Mug

R2-D2 inspired coffee mug is a perfect gift for Star Wars fans. [buy]

R2-D2 Coffee Mug

R2-D2 PC Case Mod

Computer case mod created by a talented modder Frenkie. [more]

R2-D2 PC Case Mod

R2-D2 Water Bottle

Japanese company Tanomi sells R2-D2 water bottles for $37.

R2-D2 Water Bottle


This droid is a distant cousin of R2-D2 made from a Heineken mini-keg by Paul Loughridge.


Also check out: Star Wars R2-D2 Sweater

  1. Reilly

    This is a great collection!

  2. John Cloud

    Star Wars Fan yey… ^ ^

  3. Karin Stewart

    Loads of fun for those still having fun with the STAR WARS era!

  4. Johnson Koh

    Woo there is a Steampunk version also :)

  5. AiXeLsyD13

  6. Schmaulie

    I’ve also seen an R2-D2 Projector and an R2-D2 home entertainment hub (games consoled + projector etc)!

    These are pretty orsm too!

  7. lily


  8. delere

    The mini keg and the steampunk ones are the most creative. Cute.

  9. Garrett

    Hey, that mail box is on my street! I have been coming to this blog for a long time and then boom, a photo from my street. That is awesome.

  10. Geek Schwag

    I can never get over how many products they make out of this little guy. I remember when i first saw one of those mailboxes on 5th Ave in New York and immediately had to take a picture of it…

  11. Chumpy

    Heineken ftw! =] My pet fish would luv that aquarium =]

    Lol, they got to see Attack of the Clones last week.

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