Wristwatch Motorcycles

Wristwatch Motorcycles from Brazil

Jose Geraldo Reis Pfau, a talented Brazilian artist, uses parts from old watches to create beautiful motorcycle miniatures.

These miniatures look like real motorcycles. Metal, glass, plastic, silver and even gold pieces are put together, creating many different forms.

Watch Motorcycles by Jose Geraldo Reis Pfau 2

Watch Motorcycles by Jose Geraldo Reis Pfau 3

Watch Motorcycles by Jose Geraldo Reis Pfau 4

Watch Motorcycles by Jose Geraldo Reis Pfau 5

Watch Motorcycles by Jose Geraldo Reis Pfau 6

Watch Motorcycles by Jose Geraldo Reis Pfau 7

Watch Motorcycles by Jose Geraldo Reis Pfau 8

Watch Motorcycles by Jose Geraldo Reis Pfau 9

Watch Motorcycles by Jose Geraldo Reis Pfau 10

Watch Motorcycles by Jose Geraldo Reis Pfau 11

Watch Motorcycles by Jose Geraldo Reis Pfau 12

Watch Motorcycles by Jose Geraldo Reis Pfau 13

Watch Motorcycles by Jose Geraldo Reis Pfau 14

Watch Motorcycles by Jose Geraldo Reis Pfau 15

Watch Motorcycles by Jose Geraldo Reis Pfau 16

Watch Motorcycles by Jose Geraldo Reis Pfau 17

Watch Motorcycles by Jose Geraldo Reis Pfau 18

Watch Motorcycles by Jose Geraldo Reis Pfau 19

Watch Motorcycles by Jose Geraldo Reis Pfau 20

Also check out: Wooden Watches and Solar System Watch

  1. Ariana

    this is talent.

  2. Krylun

    This is awesome at it’s finest. So creative.

  3. Oana


  4. nanimo

    Raarr! ;)))

  5. Tymcat

    This guy knows motorcycles – and his craft! They´re so different, and each one tells a story. I love the “Motorcycle diaries” tramp bike, no. 4 from the top.
    I would suggest him to design the next Bat-bike ;)

  6. Beezy

    wow. these are awesome

  7. A.s.A

    Amazing …
    Thank you Toxel !

  8. Numanul Subhani

    Amazing idea and great work !!! I think artist knows about motorcycles.

  9. pamda

    Excelente ceaciones.. Felicitaciones!!!

  10. Cindy

    how do people even come up with such amazing ideas!

  11. om ipit

    really nice miniature

  12. Mniya

    wow this is called creativity!

  13. andy

    nice work

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