Incredible Self-Portraits

Levi van Veluw

Today’s inspiration comes from Levi van Veluw, a multidisciplinary artist from Netherlands, famous for his remarkable self-portraits.

Light by Levi van Veluw

Light by Levi van Veluw

Light by Levi van Veluw 2

Gravel by Levi van Veluw

Gravel by Levi van Veluw

Carpet by Levi van Veluw

Carpet by Levi van Veluw

Tape by Levi van Veluw

Tape by Levi van Veluw

Sterling Wood by Levi van Veluw

Sterling Wood by Levi van Veluw

Puzzle by Levi van Veluw

Puzzle by Levi van Veluw

Natural Transfers by Levi van Veluw

Natural Transfers by Levi van Veluw

Natural Transfers by Levi van Veluw 2

Landscapes by Levi van Veluw

Landscapes by Levi van Veluw

Landscapes by Levi van Veluw 2

Landscapes by Levi van Veluw 3

Landscapes by Levi van Veluw 4

Self-Portraits by Levi van Veluw

Also check out: Creative Scotch Tape Portraits

  1. livvy

    love the puzzle one!

  2. mniya

    awesome work!!!

  3. loki


  4. Jaqi Mugo

    Tape and light eye catching

  5. kitty

    omg dats so cool seriously

  6. Kirvi Inci

    Those are insane. I wondered if they were shoped or not until I saw the video. Those are some very dedicated models!

  7. oi web designer

    great portrait photo
    nice collection..

  8. Sklep Wędkarski

    Great self-portraits but… this gay is weird.

  9. kukulkan

    excellent.One with the earth.

  10. Nece

    Very good, I love it !!

  11. John

    Brilliant work, I’ve never seen anything like it! Anything that would come close to this would be surreal paintings or drawings.

  12. Buzzlair Voufincci

    i dont know what kind of rendering technique is used and what software used. This is just amazing and creative as well.

    Pretty much of a hardwork.

  13. Gippy

    So did he do those himself?

  14. parv

    man, that guy is awfully still in the video….that’s just amazing. I wonder if he’s been smoking something…he looks it.

    But really though, this is amazing work. Really really fantastic.

  15. Jordan

    Wow! What a well executed and unique idea.

  16. Trappedwind

    whar ti guy! creepy stuff!

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