The Rolling Bench

Rolling Bench

The age old problem of wet benches has been solved by a group of Korean designers.

The Rolling Bench looks like an ordinary bench with the exception of a winding handle. You can find it on the right side of the bench. The handle rotates the seat surface to expose the dry/clean one. So, after a rain shower, just turn the winding handle and, please, have a sit!

The Rolling Bench 2

The Rolling Bench

Also check out: Rolling Tent and Rolling House Concept

  1. hex

    Wow, that’s pretty cute. I just hope the water doesn’t drip down later, but that’s still pretty sweet. I wish my school had those.

  2. rizal akbar

    very simple and smart idea..

  3. IMran


  4. bobert


  5. web design company

    Whoever invented this needs a promotion. This is incredibly innovative. (Not to mention brilliant)

  6. Ted Liptak

    Perfect idea.

  7. id student

    these are so useful in everywhere at outdoor. then after raining can found a seat. bravo!

  8. ghadeer

    great idea

  9. student

    also handy after a snowy day

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