Giant Eggs in Netherlands

Giant Eggs

Dutch artist Henk Hofstra installed his new environmental art project, titled “Art Eggcident”, in Leeuwarden, Netherlands.

Several giant eggs (each 100 feet wide) were spread on the Zaailand, one of the largest city squares in the Netherlands.

Giant Eggs in Netherlands 2

Giant Eggs in Netherlands 3

Giant Eggs in Netherlands 4

Giant Eggs in Netherlands 5

Giant Eggs in Netherlands

Also check out: Giant Rubber Duck and Giant Floating Hippo

  1. Fred


  2. Jessica

    Weird. I don’t get the point of this. What is he trying to say?

  3. dunn

    too much eggs will kill you ? whats the point ?

  4. jorja

    don’t understand it at all. except maybe just to say he laid the biggest egg, joke, joke.

  5. rosita

    I don’t understand the use off these giant eggs; only as a new idea causing some difference in the environment it seems good!!!

  6. richard

    I don’t think it’s supposed to mean anything, or that he’s trying to say anything. It’s just neat. Novelty and humor are huge components of art. In other words, it doesn’t have to mean anything at all to be enjoyable.

    Or it could be saying…
    – be cool: stop walking on eggshells
    – don’t crack up, it’s just art
    – hey, egghead, wake up

    Jim Morrison wrote about “the child’s fragile eggshell mind”. Think about _that_.

    You’re asking “Why?” Maybe, instead, you should ask “Why not?”

  7. Jeroen Gerth

    WTF! I live in that town. Never seen those eggs before. Funny to read something like this about your hometown on the net. I will take al look at Zaailand tomorrow to check it out myself.

  8. Christina Lin

    Probably a statement about global warming… planets hot enough to cook eggs etc.

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