Weatherproof suitcase inspired fireplace made of stainless steel and ceramic glass allows people to travel with fire.
Weatherproof suitcase inspired fireplace made of stainless steel and ceramic glass allows people to travel with fire.
Innovative walking stick cane can be quickly and easily transformed into a tripod inspired chair.
Innovative glasses with reflective mirrors allow people to stay in a comfortable horizontal position while they read, watch TV, or play on their phone.
Innovative shoes 3D-knitted out of wool yarn made from combed dog hair and designed to be biodegradable after use.
Modern bicycle with innovative design features almost straight looped bicycle frame wrapped around the seat post.
Reclining home office and computer gaming chair with fully electrical tilting capabilities designed to look like a Scorpion.
Detachable flashlight integrated into the door handle can be used as a night light and emergency light during a power outage.