Edible portraits of human faces made out arranged fruits and vegetables.
Talented artist turned her legs into unique canvas for beautiful drawings of flowers, human faces, and architecture.
Creative pencil drawings of ghostly human figures trying to reach through the paper with their hands and come into our world.
Large oversized sculpture of a giant Fox with plastic shopping bag spotted in Bospolder-Tussendijken neighborhood of Rotterdam, the Netherlands.
Unique coffee and tea mugs feature colorful three-dimensional characters from popular movies, comic books, and Looney Tunes cartoons.
Scary looking tea bag designed to look like the iconic shark from extremely popular 1975 Steven Spielberg movie JAWS.
Imaginative paper sculptures that tell stories crafted out of the pages of recycled books.
Detailed sculptures of fruits, bread, vegetables, fish, chocolate, and other food carved out of wood.
Beautiful single-family house with unique spiral garden roof design located in Awaji City, Hyogo, Japan.